Ok, on Thursday I met a guy from England named Matt on the ferry, and we ended up tramping up to Port William Hut and back on the Rakiura Track. My intention was just to go to Maori Beach, but it was so beautiful we just wanted to keep going! The water is very blue and clear, and the bush really looks primeval, especially with morning fog. We ended up tramping for 7 hours :) Here are some photos from that day:

<--The "anchor chain" entrance to the park

<--me walking along a beach

<--one of the beautiful views from the track!
On Friday Matt and I took a water taxi out to Ulva Island in Paterson Inlet. Ulva Island is a predator free island that they have started introducing endangered birds onto, so I got to see plenty of weka, a few saddlebacks, a couple Stewart Island robins (soooo cute!) and one kakariki, otherwise known as a red-crowned parakeet. So, I didn't see any kiwi, but it was a great day anyway!

<--a Stewart Island robin

<-- me surrounded by wekas!

<-- a South Island weka
Saturday was kind of a low-key day, I went on a 3 hour tramp in the bush and along the inlet, but was fairly exhausted from the last two days, so I didn't do much else. Matt and I tried to find a good cup of coffee to no avail. However, he had gone blue cod fishing that day and he made me help him eat the ten fillets that he had caught! We got very full, but it tasted sooo good.
On Sunday, I was in Invercargill all day waiting for the bus to take me home at 6:00, but I did get to see "The World's Fastest Indian" at the museum (the main character is from Invercargill!). Made it back to Dunedin all in one piece at 9:30pm :) This week so far I have seen the new NZ movie "Black Sheep" and have volunteered weeding a sand dune for the YEP Trust. Saw a penguin on the beach too!
Am heading to Wellington on Saturday, so I probably won't post until after I get there! And I have lots to do in Dunedin before I go... :)
1 comment:
Heya! Those weka are kinda cute! Did you have to get rid of any caffeine addiction before you went??
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