<---This bucket fountain is right outside my office window!
It's so warm out here today that it's hard to focus on work! So I'm taking a break to write in my blog :) This past weekend wasn't very adventurous, but it was good to really see the city I'm now living in. On Saturday, Matt (British, met on Stewart Island) and I went to the Botanic Gardens in the morning. We took the Cable Car up from the downtown district, it was really fun! Spent forever walking around the windy, hilly paths until I felt I had seen it all. Then in the afternoon we crossed the whole city to the other side and climbed up Mt. Victoria, which took all of 45 minutes. It was a steep climb, but the views were great! Could see the airport, the whole harbor, and lots of the Tararua Mountains. Stayed up there for a while and watched the ferries come in before the sun started to set. Didn't do much of anything on Sunday... it was warm so Matt and I went to the beach at Oriental Bay for the afternoon and got "American-style" hot dogs. Mmmm.
Now I'm back at work for the week, and trying to plan too many things at once! Tomorrow I have a hot date with Matt, we're going to the Embassy Theatre to see a movie. It's the same theater that all three Lord of the Rings movies were premiered in! It's owned by Peter Jackson :) Yay! Maybe I'll sit where Orlando Bloom was sitting. ;) A girl can only wish...
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